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Summer 2019





“Shoes” was an evening length performance piece grounded in dance but utilizing other art forms including live music, poetry, story-telling, painting, and sculpture, all original works composed or created for this project by well established professional artists from the Denver area.


The audience saw the production as a walking tour around the industrial area that surrounds A Living Arts Centre. Instead of using a traditional theater, this production used the warehouses, streets, parking lots, loading docks and available spaces that exist in the block around ALAC. The audience walked from one place to the next for each performance piece.


It made use of the funky, gritty spaces of the workaday world that all of us live in. Each dance piece included poems, stories, and songs about life lessons learned in each pair of shoes. It focused on fun and humor, metaphor vs reality to point out how much we have in common through our shoes.

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